Maintenance Tips

Tip #2: Process GC Problems?  The Answer is in Your Chromatogram!

To an inexperienced process GC user, a chromatogram may seem like a meaningless squiggly line. But it is so much more! First and foremost it contains the analyte peaks that are precisely quantified and reported by the GC’s software.

But what most people don’t realize is the chromatogram is also the most powerful diagnostic tool we have for troubleshooting GCs. To the trained eye, a chromatogram contains a host of clues hidden within it that can help you quickly identify, or at the very least narrow down, the cause of a GC’s failure. Features such as peak shape, peak shifting, peak size, baseline noise and baseline disruptions all tell a story of the health of your GC, once you know what to look for.

Learning to successfully interpret chromatograms usually takes years of hands-on experience to master. Consider contacting R. Aaron Eidt at Peak Performance Analytical Consulting today!

A process GC chromatogram with an interfering Grandfather peak
A process GC chromatogram with an interfering “Grandfather” peak
(i.e. a holdover from a previous injection).

Need help troubleshooting your process GCs?
 Contact Aaron directly for help.

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